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John Engleholm

Head Coach

Josh Jansen

Assistant Coach

Tim Manthey

Assistant Coach

Bill Bridgeman

Scrimmage Coordinator / Assistant Coach

Scott Cloutier

Assistant Coach

Annie Feste

Team Manager

Maggie Taylor

Assistant Team Manager

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As a team, we are responsible for the Penalty Box (MPLS box for both home/away games), Scorekeeper, and Clock/Music:  Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your shift as some games start early. Directions are located on our team page below. If you are unable to fulfill your commitment, please work to get it covered. If we cannot fulfill these roles, the games cannot happen. Game day duties do not count as dibs.

Home Game Assignments

HOME GAME DATE TIME LOCATION MPLS Penalty Box Scorekeeper Clock/Music
Wayzata Peewee B2 Yellow Tue Jan 21 7:45 PM CST Parade North Jaeger Haag DJ Rex
OMG PB2 Crimson Sun Feb 2 11:45 AM CST Richfield 2 Waldeck Megal DJ Rex
Mound Westonka Peewee B2 Sat Feb 8 11:45 AM CST Richfield 2 Megal Meyer DJ Rex

Recent Peewee B2 Silver News

No news currently found.

Scoring a game on gamesheet ipad:
  • Volunteer should watch GameSheet training videos before coming to the game
  • Manager sets up game in GameSheet and provides Scoresheet volunteer with charged Team iPad
  • Provide paper/pen as backup to write down as referee gives instructions
  • Scoresheet volunteer enters goals, assists and penalties into GameSheet as directed by referees
At game end: 
  • Confirm all goal, assist and penalty information is correct
  • Both head coaches sign on the iPad 
  • Referees sign on the iPad and lock the game
  • Game automatically uploads to D3 and both managers/coaches once connected to WiFi
  • Volunteer returns Team iPad to Manager
  • Manager enters game score on MHA Team Webpage or SportsEngine